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Which tissue occupies the center of the dicot stem?

QUESTION: Which tissue occupies the center of the dicot stem?



Characteristic                        Description
Location ·        Located in the center of stems and branches.

·        Parenchyma cells, which are loosely packed and have thin cell walls

Functions ·        Provides structural support to stems and branches.

·        Assists in water and nutrient transport within the plant.

·        May store starch, oils, or other substances.

·        Participates in wound healing and tissue regeneration.

Structure ·        Parenchyma cells are generally isodiametric or slightly elongated.

·        Cell walls are thin, allowing for easy transport of materials.

·        May contain air spaces (aerenchyma) in some plants for buoyancy or gas exchange.



·        Characteristics may vary among plant species and plant parts.

·        Pith size can change with age: It may be prominent in young stems but decrease or disappear in older woody stems.

·        Some plants have specialized pith structures, such as diaphragms or fibers for specific functions.



·        Sunflower

·        Elderberry

·        Grapevine

·        Corn stalks

·        Bamboo

·        Pith helmets

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