Which tissue stores fat in our body?

QUESTION: Which tissue stores fat in our body?


  • Adipose tissue stores fat in our body.
  • It is a specialized connective tissue that consists of fat cells called adipocytes.
  • Its primary function is to store energy in the form of triglycerides (fat) and release it when needed.
  • Adipose tissue is found throughout the body, primarily in subcutaneous areas (under the skin) and around organs, such as the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and breasts.
  • Adipose tissue stores excess energy from the food we consume in the form of triglycerides.
  • When the body requires additional energy, these stored triglycerides are broken down through a process called lipolysis to provide fuel for various metabolic processes.
  • Adipose tissue acts as an insulating layer, helping to maintain body temperature by reducing heat loss.
  • It also provides cushioning and protection to internal organs, helping to absorb shocks and impacts.
  • Adipose tissue is an active endocrine organ that secretes hormones such as leptin, adiponectin, and resistin.
  • Hormones secretes by adipose tissue help regulate appetite, energy balance, and insulin sensitivity.
Adipose tissue                    Information
Types ·        White adipose tissue (WAT)

·        Brown adipose tissue (BAT)

Location ·        Found throughout the body with higher concentrations in certain areas like the abdomen

·        Buttocks

·        Thighs



·        Adipocytes (fat cells) along with blood vessels

·        Nerves

·        Immune cells




·        Energy storage

·        Insulation

·        Cushioning

·        Hormone regulation

Hormone production ·        Adipose tissue secretes hormones called adipokines, including leptin, adiponectin, and resistin.

·        These hormones play roles in appetite regulation, insulin sensitivity, and inflammation.

Role in obesity ·        Excessive accumulation of adipose tissue, especially visceral fat (around internal organs), is associated with obesity

·        Diabetes

·        Cardiovascular disease

Lipolysis ·        Adipose tissue undergoes lipolysis, which is the breakdown of stored fats into fatty acids and glycerol for energy release.
Lipogenesis ·        Lipogenesis is the process of synthesizing and storing triglycerides (fat) in adipose tissue, mainly in response to excess calorie intake.
Adaptive thermogenesis ·        Brown adipose tissue generates heat by burning fat

·        Helps to regulate body temperature

·        Contribute to weight management

Brown fat activation ·        Cold exposure

·        Exercise

·        Certain compounds (e.g., catecholamines) can activate brown fat

Liposuction ·        Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess adipose tissue from specific areas of the body for cosmetic or medical reasons.
Research areas


·        Scientists study adipose tissue in relation to obesity

·        Metabolic disorders

·        Lipodystrophy

·        Adipokine signaling

·        Potential therapeutic interventions

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