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Which tissue stores food in plants?

QUESTION: Which tissue stores food in plants?


Characteristic Description
Location ·        Found throughout the plant body, including stems

·        Roots

·        Leaves

·        Fruits






·        Storage: Parenchyma cells store food reserves, such as starch, oils, proteins, or other organic compounds.

·        Photosynthesis: Some parenchyma cells carry out photosynthesis, containing chloroplasts for producing energy-rich compounds.

·        Gas Exchange: Parenchyma tissue allows for gas exchange between cells, contributing to plant respiration.

·        Wound Healing: Parenchyma tissue aids in the regeneration and repair of injured plant tissues.

Cell Structure ·        Thin cell walls

·        large central vacuoles

·        living protoplasts

Specializations ·        Starchy Parenchyma: Specialized parenchyma cells that store starch as a source of energy.

·        Water-Storing Parenchyma: Parenchyma cells in succulent plants that store water, contributing to their drought resistance.

·        Aerenchyma: Parenchyma tissue with large air spaces, enabling buoyancy in aquatic plants or facilitating gas exchange in roots.
Examples ·        Parenchyma tissue is found in a wide range of plant organs, including pith, cortex, mesophyll, and various storage tissues.

·        Examples include potato tubers, leaf mesophyll, fruit pulp, and the inner parts of stems and roots.

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