Mollusca phylum characteristics

Mollusca is a diverse and widespread phylum of invertebrate animals that includes a wide variety of species with different body forms and lifestyles. Despite this diversity, there are several key characteristics that unite mollusks: Soft Body with Mantle: Mollusks have a soft, unsegmented body that is often protected by a calcareous shell. The mantle is … Read more

Mollusc Shell

Mollusk shells are protective structures that are primarily composed of calcium carbonate and are secreted by the mantle, a specialized tissue layer in mollusks. These shells serve as a form of defense against predators and environmental factors, as well as providing structural support for the animal’s body. Mollusk shells can vary greatly in size, shape, … Read more

Mollusca Symmetry

Mollusks are a diverse phylum of invertebrate animals that exhibit a wide range of body symmetries. The symmetry of mollusks can vary depending on the specific group within the phylum. Here are some common examples: Bilateral Symmetry: Many mollusks, including gastropods (snails and slugs) and cephalopods (squids, octopuses, and cuttlefish), exhibit bilateral symmetry. This means … Read more

Mollusca Genital

Molluscum contagiosum can also affect the genital area, and in this case, it is referred to as “molluscum contagiosum genital infection.” This viral skin infection can be transmitted through sexual contact, and the bumps can appear on or around the genital region, inner thighs, buttocks, and even the lower abdomen. The appearance and characteristics of … Read more

Mollusca Rash

“Mollusca” in this context likely refers to Molluscum contagiosum, a viral skin infection that can cause a rash. Molluscum contagiosum is a common skin condition caused by a poxvirus. It is characterized by small, raised, flesh-colored or pearly pink bumps on the skin. These bumps often have a central indentation and can be mistaken for … Read more

History of biology

The history of biology is a rich and complex narrative that spans centuries, tracing the evolution of our understanding of life and the living world. Here, I’ll provide you with a concise overview of the major milestones and key figures in the history of biology: Ancient and Classical Periods: Early observations of plants and animals … Read more

Which is not a classified form of conjugated proteins?

Which of the following is not a classified form of conjugated proteins? (a) Lipoproteins (b) Glycoproteins (c) Metalloproteins (d) Complete proteins Sol: (d) Complete proteins A. Lipoproteins Lipoproteins are complex particles that transport fats (lipids) throughout the body in the bloodstream. They are made up of a combination of proteins, cholesterol, and triglycerides, and are … Read more

Which of the following vitamins is synthesized in the body by intestinal bacteria_______?

Which of the following vitamins is synthesized in the body by intestinal bacteria_______? A. Vitamins B1 B. Vitamins B12 C. Vitamins E D. Vitamins K A. Vitamins B1 B. Vitamins B12 C. Vitamins E D. Vitamins K Vitamins K Vitamins k is a supplement that helps to improve the health of your body. It is a natural product that has been … Read more

Molluscs (Phylum Mollusca)

Molluscs (Phylum Mollusca) The molluscs, or soft-bodied animals The molluscs are also invertebrate The molluscs having  (80,000 species) The molluscs include oysters, mussels, slugs, snails, squids and cuttlefishes. Body form of Molluscs We can divide molluscs into four regions; A dorsal visceral mass which is coiled in the gastropods and in which the internal organs … Read more

Mollusca Nervous, Reproductive, Excretory system

Nervous system and sense-organe The most primitive nervous system occurs in the monoplacophorans and amphincurans (e.g. chitons, where it consists of a central nerve ring round the anterior oesophagus with pleurovisceral and pedal cords running back, the former encircling the margin of the mantle, the latter running down the foot, with cross connections between the … Read more